Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Musical Bones

More than once, Meggie has fooled us out of bones we were chewing. Having finished her own bit you then see her sit down near the back door with a thoughtful expression. Suddenly she's up a yapping, appearing to charge down the garden. We are bound to follow - brothers in arms and all that, but we don't realise she's not actually with us more than the first few feet, when H and I charge by, barging her aside as we go. Only when we suss that there is, in fact no threat, do we return to the bones, to find Meggie contentedly chewing on one, looking very smug

Well tonight, the tables were turned. 3 dogs, 3 bits of lamb carcase, 3 chewing positions on the terrace. I finish mine and sit back. Then a genuine "noises off" round the side of the house has Megan leaping into action to charge round the side. abandonning her bone. Haggis leaps up to and persues her. Un-noticed by all but Dad, I slide over to Haggis's and nick it, looking at Dad with an "act natural say nuffink" look. Haggis is first back round, sees his own bone gone but spies Meggies. Quick look over his shoulder and a visible gulp, and he's stolen Meg's.

We all got away with this game of musical bones, only because while stealing bones that are abandonned is just about allowed, no-one actually attacks a bone-in-mouth dog, even when it's Haggis.

Fun eh?


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