Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Afghan Racing

Not much of Crufts got us animated this year (must be getting blase), but one bit that made us sit up, whistle, jump off the settee and crowd the screen, was some footage of a bit of just-for-fun racing of Afghan Hounds. Fully shampoo'd and groomed out they were all flowing hair and waves of colour as they ran towards the camera, played back in slo-mo.

They looked to be loving it, and the ones whose turn it was just to watch were up on their hind legs at the spectator fence yipping with excitement as first the "hare" and then the dogs shot by. You knew they were having a whale, when the "out-takes" at the end had the dogs leppin' off the track, over the barriers, or turning round in mid race to run the other way

Can we do some of that, Dad?

We were reminded of that when Dad was commenting on how Janie, they brindled greyhound in Dad's 2CV club pub meet last night spent all night flaked out on her side. Not that long ago she was a restless thing , never relaxing, always moving from person to person asking for a fuss, or crisps and peanuts (never getting any - Pete and Josie are very strict about that, but it didn't stop her hoping). Now she's that much more grown up, she's quite the mature, sober-minded lady. No trouble in a pub


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