Saturday, 17 May 2008

Wind and Rain

The heat wave is finally over. It turns cooler and rainy, and has Mum firing up the central heating again. We are quite thankful of this, as Dad has us all clipped to 5mm - lovely in the heat! Dad is quite thankful for the rain, and can finally barrow trays and trays of kale, kohl-rabi and cabbages up to the allotment and stick them in, with their own little bunny-proof fence.

It's also more pleasant out walking. We don't mind a bit of drizzle, it's the heat slowing Megan down, that we notice mainly.

It's raining baby starlings. Just as we're up and about this morning, and Dad lets us all out the back door to sprint down the garden, a new fledgling starling takes the opportunity to jump from the long box in among the Albertine rose. More like a controlled plummet than a real flight, he slides down the air to land among the box shrubs at the foot of the bay tree, squeaking excitedly. 3 westies are suddenly upon him, and Dad hotly upon them.

He dives under a box and freezes - sensible move, as the dogs lose sight of him, and Dad can get a chance to scoop him up. Dad puts him on the garden fence facing outward (no dogs that side next door!). Sure enough he tries that flying thing again, this time with a bit more lift, and whirrs away across that garden to safety. We all hope he is re-united with parents and by now (4pm), getting fed and ready for his first night out of the nest.

Nearly a very short look at freedom!


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