Sunday 2 November 2008

Packed Away

Early Sunday morning and we're all just breakfasted and back from our daily walk along the side of the Owenass River. It's a 20-30 foot wide, 2-3 foot deep fast flowing stream here, all brown and peaty from its passage through the Slieve Bloom mountains, before it joins the Barrow river just below the town. The water is as clear as dark whiskey, and you can see the stony bottom.

We stroll into town, then along the river bank before circling back along the town streets, before anyone else in the house is up and about. Well, maybe little M is awake, but he's confined behind his baby-gate and can only shout for his bottle till he rouses J-M, whose job it is to nip down and heat up his milk.

We are all a bit jaded this morning having played several games of Cluedo till after about midnight last night (a big exciting treat, stay-up-late for the girls, because we (and especially Mum and Dad (who are Uncle and Auntie to them) are over visiting. Inspired by this, more lunacy is planned for today, as the humans are all going to enact one of those Murder Mystery role play games. According to J-M, Dad is going to play the vicar. He probably "done it" (Reverend Green in the kitchen with the lead pipe, etc, or is that Cluedo?)

So now we have a few minutes peace to chill out after our Owenass adventure, before the troops descend the stairs and set the day into motion. I promised to tell you all about George the Seal ; I've not forgotten... just not got around to it yet.

Hallowe'en is all packed away as if by magic. All the drapes, ghosties and ghouls, skeletons, cauldrons, grave stones and other paraphernalia are boxed up and back in the loft. Only remaining out are several hundredweight of childrens sweeties and lollies, jelly worms and chocolate eye-balls, witches fingers and other e-number and sugar-filled "nourishment" which should keep the human kids a-buzzing till well past Christmas.

Have a great Sunday

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