Saturday, 17 April 2010

Raw Fish 'Eads

Although he did spend a huge amount of today up at the allotment rotovating and the planting spuds, onion sets, broad beans and peas, there was time for a good walk and it turned into quite an interesting one.
Passing through the boat yard we tracked down the construction job on SB Cambria's "leeboards", the big flaps that attach to the side of the barge and can be lowered down to vertical to form a keel on the leeward (downwind) side of the barge. This stops the barge slipping to leeward when wind comes from the side of the boat, which is flat-bottomed. Cambria has a huge sail area (5000 sq feet) so these boards are 20 feet long or so, and will also have an aerofoil shape to help give "lift" (sideways force in this case, into the wind). Spot the two little dog-faces centre right in the picture
Coming back past the church we even came across an old Routemaster London Bus being used as wedding transport. Nice day for the wedding - skies blue (and devoid of jet-plane vapour trails!) although bit of a chilly wind still.
Back home, Dad cooks trout, which is good news for westies who like to crunch up a raw fish head. The humans tend to insist we do this out on the terrace and that they do not necessarily have to be there. Can't think why. We leave nothing - just lick-marks on the block paving.

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