Friday, 14 January 2011

Stamp Man

We're sorry today to have to report the passing away of the member of this cast, 'Stamp Man' who died peacefully in his hospital bed at 10 o'clock this morning. He was 85, Bless Him, so he'd had what Dad calls a good innings, and he went with no pain or trauma. Pud Lady says he looked like he was asleep.

Bye Bye Stamp Man; we will miss you. It will be odd you not being there when we visit Pud Lady in Hastings.

Meanwhile, we are all deserted this weekend by Mum who is off up to darkest Derbyshire to a (distant) family wedding. Dad has amazingly got away with swerving this on the grounds of too many girly cousins, and the need to babysit us. Nice one Dad.

Have a Good Weekend

1 comment:

Mrs Silverwood said...

Big Hugs from all the Silverwoods