Thursday, 19 July 2007

Ooops! Wrong one Haggis

Out walking this morning on the Rec, myself and the H had shot on ahead of Mum and Meggie, chasing squirrels. Now, the H is given to occasionally jumping Meggie, when the mood takes him - usually when we're all in the forest, or after a good hunt. It's a sap rising thing. Both are "done" so it can come to nought, but we guess H+M have been there (they produced 8 pups between them when they were young lovers) and it still feels comfortable to climb on. Meg stands there looking either resigned or as if she might be enjoying the attention, while H has a few lazy, half hearted goes, and then dismounts

He's never tried it with me, though, even when I was in season, although one school of thought is that he was picking up the remembered scent and did seem to pay Meggie more attention as a result.

Well this morning, way up ahead of Meggie, and with a squirrel safely rounded up and tree'd, he seemed to forget himself and wandered over to me and jumped on. The cheek! I am not into that sort of thing at all and told him so in no uncertain terms, turning round and "RAFF!" ing at him. Fair play to H. He kept his composure, strolling around till Meggie caught up and then jumping her almost as an apology.

Only Mum saw the amusing side, deciding that we had all been watching too much "Rome". "You're messing with your Sister, you little low-life" (mis)quoth she, after Atia of the Julii

Deefer (Octavia of the Julii)

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