Thursday 7 August 2008

Happy Birthday Haggis

Go Haggis! 11 years old today! Doesn't behave like an "old" dog, and there's this theory that I have rejuvenated him. Unfortunately, Dad forgot to buy the "birthday cake" on the way home, so that's been postponed to tomorrow. Watch this space.

His birthday is heralded by a slow moving but very extensive thunderstorm, that goes rattling through for what seems like 2 and a half hours of the night. It's an impressive show. Megan spends some of it at the back door doing her single "I want" woofs, asking to be let out. That is, till Dad lets her out, at which point she realises it's pouring down, so loses interest. I spend the storm pretty much bored and quiet.

It's Haggis who "enjoys" a good storm - racing about the house, jumping on and off the bed (either side), bouncing on front paws and woofing a good range of yaps, gruffs, wooo-wooo-ruffffff noises. He's not scared of the thunder (none of us are) - more outraged that it is making a noise in "his" airspace. He keeps this up solidly for the whole duration of the storm passing over (as Mum and Dad will attest) . He's exhausted when it's over and sleeps all day.

Dad is heard to say "Thansk H"


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