Sunday, 8 April 2012


No longer where they used to lay
Coz Daddy Moved them Yesterday
The clever child goes in and looks
between the Terry Pratchett books!

These were the kind of clues we invented for the kids' Easter Egg hunt this morning. Some of them were quite inspired. Each was written on an egg shaped piece of coloured paper and hidden at a location in or within a few 100 yards of the house. The 'Easter Bunny' hid some at the big granite monolith "Silverwood" sign, or attached to a fence in the nearby green 'pitch', or on a parked car (Mum's). Each led on to the next egg clue. There were twenty. The first had worded into them that all children must be clothed and shod before getting the next clue (so that Em-J and J-M had to get the 'smalls' organised before we could start) and one clue dared the kids to take a cup of tea into the "Red King's Lair" (Mr Silverwood's bedroom) for Mum (The Dragon)....

The Red King Sleeps in the Dragon's Lair
Enter at you peril if you dare
Soothe the dragon with a cup of tea
and the King will show Clue number 3!

One of them even got a bit rude as the compilers were getting a bit well lubricated and silly as midnight approached. They'd been shown out to a fence by a ditch "across the pitch" and the clue they found said

"Home again home again licketty spit
To the smallest room where it's good to sit
To think a while or read a bit
Or maybe even have a sh........"

This caused hilarious uproar and was especially enjoyed by Skater M (6) who knows that Sh** is a "bold" (naughty) word he's not allowed to go anywhere near!

One was on Mum's person. It said to "try the trouser pockets" and Mum had loaded all her other pockets with blank, false alarm, coloured egg shaped paper.

We loved that when the gang were working their way around, how well they worked together, always reining in M (6) who wanted to be the first everywhere, holding back and letting little R (4) take her turns and with the oldest Em-J (13) sussing most of the clues straight away but then helping and teasing answers out of J-M (12). They all had a great time and the grown ups had a brilliant time watching the children enjoy the hunt till it's finish back in the Dragon's lair where the final clue pointed them at "Daddy's empty drawers". The ones in the chest of drawers of course! What were you thinking of?

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