An adventure tonight. Not the normal walk. we are all loaded into the 2CV for a trip to the 2CV graveyard, also known as 2CV-Llew's workshop. Here to get a new exhaust fitted to Dad's car, but that's boring human stuff. For us dogs, it's an old farm yard with lots of out-buildings, rusting farm machinery and even more rusting 2CVs.
Hot and cold running mice (Llew even feeds one the corners of his biscuits at tea break, and this one's called Maurice. We were not allowed to chase that one.)
Beyond the buildings are fields and wild farm tracks where a dog can disappear for hours at a time, returning periodically to check the humans are still there at base camp. If we're gone too long and Dad has to whistle us up, we trot back practicing our looks that say "What's the problem? We knew where we were.. and we knew where you were???"
Mind you, I did cause a moment of amused (well, semi-amused) panic, when, unseen by humans, I trotted off with each of the rubber hanger-brackets for the exhaust and put them in various places around the workshop for safe keeping. Dad said to Llew - if this was home I'd know exactly where she'd have them - in her bed!
But there's no beds here, so I put them carefully behind a car, or under a bit of axle stand or a ramp. They found them in the end, but it was fun watching them look.
And when Llew got cold lying on the floor, I very helpfully licked his face. He has his own dog, Rosie, a Jack Russell with tousled hair on her head and short hair everywhere else, so he's used to it. Also one of the other workshops on site has a Ridgeback, which comes and bounces on him and licks his face too, so he said he didn't mind me so much
Car fixed and kluxuriously quiet. Well... as luxuriously quiet as a 2CV can be
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