Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Call of the Wild
We race down to the beech hedge and shout and yap at them till we are told off and dragged back indoors bythe spoilsport humans. Yesterday though, Haggis decided to try a new tactic and told the foxes what Westies could do - Owww-oooooooooooo....OWWWWWWWWWWOOOO. He was magnificent. It was like "Call of the Wild" out there! Go "H" !!
Meanwhile, Dad's been up mowing around the allotment in a rare dry opportunity and come back all green-footed.
Mum has made up the bed with some oh-so-posh, brand new Fenn-Wright-Manson Egyptian cotton sheets , duvet cover etc and sends Dad an email at work that says the "mutts" are barred, and that if any of "them" get into the bed before she does, she's off out looking for a cookbook with dog recipes. Seems a bit harsh
Dad decides to thoroughly wash the ol' green feet before he gets in!
Scaring ourselves to death with the inland waterways pre-holiday guidance DVD. Those boats look very very very long!
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Staying Over, at Dylan's
I'm in love! There is a new man in my life. Slightly portly, and under the vet for his diet, he's now regaining his trim puppy good looks. He is Norfolk terrier Dylan (15 months), whose humans are friends of Mum and Dad. We were all invited to stay over last night at their house, and to sleep in the big, well appointed Summer House.
We were already a bit tired, the three of us, from a busy day helping Mum and Dad in the garden (especially me, who helped by digging a big hole between the tubs of old, spent daffs and tulips in the chicken run), but it was great to have a run up and down Dylan's garden. Then as the evening wore on and the humans got fed and lubricated, we all of us invaded various of Dylan's beds, till when the humans were rattling out "Brown Eyed Girl" and "Rock and Roll is King" on the guitars, or lazing in the outdoor hot spa-bath, there were sleeping dogs in every possible corner of the rooms.
A brilliant night, and many thanks to Dylan and his people for entertaining us all. Now it's breakfast time and Mum and Dad are off to find Diamond for bit of eggs and bacon.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend
Saturday, 28 July 2007
I Clavdivs
Friday, 27 July 2007
The Grass was as High....
The abandoned fields (no longer farmed, but still escaping the developer's bull-dozers) out back of Dad's allotment, are very bright at present, with wild flowers. We have yellows from ragwort and bristly ox-tongue, purples from willow-herbs (rose bay (= fireweed) and "greater"), thistles and teasels, darker purples from tufted vetch, whites from wild carrot, ox-eye daisy and convulvulus, we have clovers (red and white), and we have the dark terracotta of old dock flower spikes, now turned to seed.
It's all chest-high on Dad, so we are pleased (and we might be in a minority here!) that the dirt-bike boys get out there cutting and wearing paths through those fields. If it wasn't for those guys those fields would be denied to us by now. They might be noisy, but they definitely improve access. As long as they are responsible and don't run us over (so far they are, and they don't!) then more power to their elbows!
Have a great weekend
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Round and round the mulberry bush
So, frustrated by this lack of escape, I am taking up the baton of squirrel chasing, moving the skill on from Megan's tutor-ship. While Meggie chases a squirrel to the tree and then, when it disappears upwards she hops around indecisively, I run at the tree aiming to be drawn in by the gravity towards the trunk and then run around the tree in a full circle (or even two) checking out all angles in quick succession.
I further aim to score bonus points relative to the Meg and the H, by being a prim and proper Miss when it comes to the one muddy puddle on the Rec. Both M and H are drawn inexorably towards this as moths to a candle flame, and invariably come away with black majorette boots. My mission is to return from every walk with immaculate feet. as white and fluffy as when I set out. (OK, as beige and no more scruffy).
Have a lovely evening
Monday, 23 July 2007
Soggy Dogs
We are towelled off on our return, looking like drowned rats.
Mum is buried in studying, Dad in Harry Potter.
Have fun
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Speaks like a Magistrate
One exciting thing I neglected to say yesterday was that we saw a kingfisher at the "bottom" pond, just below the "Cloud Chamber" sculpture (see www.StourValleyArts.org.uk). No idea what he/she was doing there. The pond is not natural - it was built a few years back using a grant obtained by Friends of Kingswood and as far as we know there are no fish in it. It is not stream-fed, so there's no obvious way of fish getting there. perhaps kingfishers eat newts too? But it was definitely a kingfisher - that's one bird you cannot mistake for any other!
Meanwhile, Mum is dining out on the fact that she was described by a person we know only briefly, to a mutual friend as "speaking like a magistrate". She is chuffed to bits with this, of course!
And so, on the last night of "Rome" and the last Harry Potter (Mum had read it by 02:24 last night), I'll wish you good night
Saturday, 21 July 2007
6 Miler in Challock
Friday, 20 July 2007
Italian westies

Thursday, 19 July 2007
Ooops! Wrong one Haggis
He's never tried it with me, though, even when I was in season, although one school of thought is that he was picking up the remembered scent and did seem to pay Meggie more attention as a result.
Well this morning, way up ahead of Meggie, and with a squirrel safely rounded up and tree'd, he seemed to forget himself and wandered over to me and jumped on. The cheek! I am not into that sort of thing at all and told him so in no uncertain terms, turning round and "RAFF!" ing at him. Fair play to H. He kept his composure, strolling around till Meggie caught up and then jumping her almost as an apology.
Only Mum saw the amusing side, deciding that we had all been watching too much "Rome". "You're messing with your Sister, you little low-life" (mis)quoth she, after Atia of the Julii
Deefer (Octavia of the Julii)
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Ancient wisdom
I am now that fragrant girlie :-((
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Not that dexterous then?
We are walking tonight across the cemetary, which is streaming with bunnies. We are all three on the "Flexi-" extendable leads now and Dad, with big hands, is just about able to hold the three handles in one hand. We are making it tricky for him though, as we zigzag to and fro spotting rabbits, making like a maypole with the leads, with Dad as the pole. He suspects that our mission is to run enough rings round that we end up "bolas"-ing him round the legs like an Argentinian cowboy
Avoiding this on his part demands a certain dexterity, but then he gets a mobile phone call from the Hon Sec of the local "In-Bloom" committee, of which Dad is Treasurer, so he can't not answer it. Suddenly he is juggling three flexi leads and a mobile. Here I feint to the left (anti clockwise) and then whip to my right, executing an escape manouvre which will here-after be known as the Deefum-Shufti, almost giving him whiplash in the little finger in the process. Not so dexterous now, Dad!
I am free - and I treat the assembled gaping spectators with 10 minutes of charging round the bushes and trees, now you see me now you don't, zig zagging hither and yon in pursuit of bunnies (which are also zipping about from cover to cover) trailing 6 feet of blue tape lead and the big blue flexi reel handle retractory thingy. Dad is having caniptions at the thought of the lead becoming entangled in a bush but keeps his cool, chatting to the Hon Sec till the phone call ends, then rather coolly (I thought) stamping on the handle as I whizz by (foolishly coming back into range at that point). I am nearly garrotted due to going at warp 4 and stopping dead.
Fun while it lasted though!
Deef (cough cough) -er
Monday, 16 July 2007
Steely-Eyed Killer Dogs
The prey is highly dangerous and can turn on you in an instant, so the utmost care and vigilance is required. It is capable of the most amazing turns of acceleration. This work is crucial to the family survival. I am totally engrossed and in a world of my own. I can't understand why Meggie and the H look on from their comfortable repose on the terrace, with expressions of boredom.
The prey? Swarms of half-inch long frogs!
Yay me!
Deefer the Brave
Sunday, 15 July 2007
They are off today judging gardens for Gardening-for-Wildlife around Kent. We approve. Wildlife is rodents, and anything that encourages rodents into a garden has got to be a good thing. Talking of which, on the menu tonight is bunny - in mustard sauce to be precise. This is definitely "A good thing" too.
Hot and muggy though. Thunderstorms to follow, I'll warrant.
Deefs (but Mum still says "Hello Rat" when she comes home.)
Saturday, 14 July 2007
Poor little mite
Meanwhile all is quiet round here. Mum is frantically studying for the latest round of Open University essays and Dad is keeping a low (quiet) profile and feeding her the occasional coffee. This is good - this means we get to spend plenty of time with Dad, either walking or sitting around or doing stuff round the house and garden.
Have a great weekend
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Yoked Yorkies
The Yorkies came bounding over and pulled the lead clean out of the little boy's hand. Mum staggered to her feet fearing the worst, but as we all joined in a huddle of sniffing each others bums (like you do) and wagging our tails, the smaller Yorkie took fright and tried to bolt, only to find that the larger, keener Yorkie still wanted to chat. Total confusion reigned, but the only damage was to little 'un's pride. We were all quickly gathered up and went our separate ways
Leads on the Rec? Whats's that all about?
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Led astray by the H
Then suddenly , at a metal gate, Haggis suddenly turned left off the path and shot across a huge field of long grass. Of course, I followed. The field is at least 400 yards wide and we were quickly stretching out some distance from Dad, who was looking after Meggie. Dad says no amount of whistling, shouting and clapping slowed us - we were on a mission! We are using the excuse of wind, long grass, the red-mist of pursuit, and I'm using the excuse that I am still apprentice to the H, so if he says it's OK, then it probably is.
Dad tells of anxious moments, climbing as high as possible perching on top of the farm gate scanning across the field, and beyond that to the dyke-banks and the creek levee in case we should get that far. He will never know where we went, but about 10 minutes later heard the unmistake-able but very distant sound of Haggis howling. Now there is a sound designed to travel, and it does. Dad jumped off the fence and started walking towards the howling but then suddenly, 400 yards away across the field, he saw a white face appear, turn to wards him as he shouted himself hoarse, and then we two racing towards him for a relieved and happy re-union.
You have the humans at that point, don't you, bang to rights. They can't kill you because they are so relieved and don't want to punish you, but by golly they'd like to. Frustration!
Hee hee!
Monday, 9 July 2007
Steer-able nose

(New) Dad was taking the mick at the weekend, about my highly manouvre-able nose. He swears he has never seen a dog so able to twitch the black "button" bit of the nose, so far from side to side. By tightening muscles down eitgher side of my snout, he says, I can pull the nose so far round the cartilage septum up the middle must nearly break (or has already!). It looks like I am aiming the nose left or right to smell round corners without moving my head.
And why not?
Just part of my cunning plan
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Fairlight Photo's
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Fairlight and the Pud Lady
(OK something wrong with the site tonight - I can't add a title, so I have no idea what this is going to do)
The first sensibly sunny day for about 2 months. The sparrows are shouting from the Albertine like it is spring time and they are announcing nest sites they've found and trying to attract mates.
We are off down to Hastings to visit the Pud-Lady, and on the way we get a nice walk at Fairlight Hills, a sandstone cliff area just East of Hastings, where Dad used to spend a lot of time as a kid. All gorse bushes and rabbit holes - good Westie territory.
Back from Hastings we are at the Allotments barbecue, which is good Westie territory too due to the amount of people willing to sneak us the odd bit of sausage or burger. Diamond brings Asbo, and some exciting events ensue, but Dad has just been asked by Diamond not to "rat Ragworth up" so I guess that means I'm not allowed to tell you about them. Suffice to say, "Asbo" got another ASBO. What can I tell the readers, Diamond?
Photo's to follow tomorrow, but for now I'm all in.
Thursday, 5 July 2007
We are all just back from an excellent walk all round the boat yard. It had finally stopped raining (but looks like starting again now) - we are all wondering when Summer will come. Out in the fields, Meg never fails to amuse with her hand-stand peeing technique. Not for Megs the bitch-squat. She quite often takes all the weight on her front legs and lifts her back end clear of the ground, like a 2-legged cock-the-leg. At the edge of a path, if she fancies weeing in the long grass, for better scent retention, she can even lift her back end, then swing it round to the side, over the longer grass with a cantilever action, wee from height onto the grass, then swing her bum back round before lowering her back legs back to the ground.
I need to brush up these gymnast skills. I just squat.
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
I Blame the Parents
OD leaps up and roars, charging down the lounge in pursuit of the escaping meal, but FM lep's up even faster and stands, arms out, barring OD's way. "Don't you touch him!" she yells - "I'll make you another one!". So Real Dad lives to fight another day, and I can blame the parents for my propensity for nicking toothbrush heads
My pic is of Meggie (right) and I looking out of the back door at an impressive thunderstorm, raging in the skies over the M2. Haggis is out there shouting at the thunder (How dare it!), but we girls are keeping dry.
Monday, 2 July 2007
YOUR dog....
Some things will remain in the realm of "for dogs to know and humans to only wonder at". One thing though - why do I become Dad's dog whenever I'm naughty? Dad mind you, does not seem unduly worried - he drops in on the butchers for steaks for the humans, and comes away with some gorgeously meaty raw pork ribs for us! He's not entirely convinced that the brush was in a drawer at all......
Sunday, 1 July 2007
Scary bridge
Only one problem with this route - we have to cross a 20 yard railway foot bridge which, for some reason, freaks me out. I am OK on the steps up to it (even though they are open concrete slab type) but once on the span I hang back to the full extent of the extendy lead (while Meg and the H trot across not a care in the world), then when it can no longer be avoided, I scoot across, legs bent, ears down, tail down, belly as close to the floor as a pup can get it while still walking. I whoosh across like this, racing to the full forward extent of the lead - the sooner I'm off that span and onto the steps down, the better.
Dad has no idea why I'm like this, as I've never had any kind of traumatic experience on it. Must just be the non-solid nature of it and the fact that I can see I'm up high because the flat metal strip mesh goes right to the walking-surface.
On the way back from the field we cross what everyone thinks is the longest railway footbridge in the UK. At about a quarter of a mile, it goes across both branches of the lines at Faversham junction - the line for Canterbury and the line for Whitsable. But that one doesn't faze me at all - probably because it's got sheet steel "walls" and I can't see out. I can race about on that one full of my normal confidence
There's no accounting for dogs