Thursday 12 July 2007

Yoked Yorkies

Bit of fun on the Rec tonight. We were out there and just released from the leads, so H and I were having our usual funny five minutes, chasing around when we set eyes on a small family group - Mum human, small boy human and 2 Yorkies. Our curiosity aroused we headed on over. As we closed, we could see that the Yorkies were yoked together on one of those double-ended leads and that the small boy was holding onto them. But not for long.

The Yorkies came bounding over and pulled the lead clean out of the little boy's hand. Mum staggered to her feet fearing the worst, but as we all joined in a huddle of sniffing each others bums (like you do) and wagging our tails, the smaller Yorkie took fright and tried to bolt, only to find that the larger, keener Yorkie still wanted to chat. Total confusion reigned, but the only damage was to little 'un's pride. We were all quickly gathered up and went our separate ways

Leads on the Rec? Whats's that all about?


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