Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Kitchen blitz

Just for fun a couple of pictures of the impressive pizza meal the Silverwood's laid on to reward us all for all the hard work decorating. It came from Mizzoni's of Portlaoise. Impressive. Impressive pile of debris left over too.

The decorating and kitchen-wrangling have now moved on from there. The need to clear round walls for the first cot of paint generated an amount of stuff, some of which is now redundant and Mrs S, excited about her new paint and the started de-clutter went completely bonkers on a kitchen blitz. Mr S was press-ganged into this and the two older girls roped in too.

This is a big kitchen-diner and Mrs S is a well equipped and frequent baker and cook so more than the normal amount of equipment is 'got through'. Food mixers die and get replaced with better ones. The baking trays and tins get replaced by modern flexible plastic(?) ones. Occasional glass or electrical parts of kit break or die and the surviving bits get hung on to in case 'we buy a spare' for the broken bit. Some bits of kit are bought with best intentions but gets used only a few times and then parked. It was all this kind of gear which was de-cluttered and sorted into tough rubble sacks and/or the caravan and/or the bin. All part-processed laundry from the dryer was folded. Em-J and J-M at one stage were balancing along the work tops to get stuff from the tops of upper cupboards.

Anything not glass was hauled down from the glasses cupboards. All cupboards were emptied and the empty cupboards re-assigned to new tidier tasks (this one is for pots and pans, this one for cleaning materials etc.) and the useful keeper stuff put back in its new assigned location. Finally, after everyone else had gone to bed, Mr and Mrs S cleared the worktops and wiped them down so that the place was transformed overnight. And today, finishing touch, the floor has been swept, hands-and-knees cleaned and hoovered. Coco, who likes a nice scavenge around the floor for lost toast etc. under the units, is bereft! Can we have a rest now, Mrs S?

My other picture is of Maxwell post haircut this morning. A bit funky but Dad says it was the best he could do with Mrs S's uncooperative clippers and a pair of scissors.

More soon.

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