As we come into our last week of living with the Pud Lady in Hastings, here are a few varied pictures just to pick up a few loose ends. First up the relatively new wind farm past which we have to drive en route caravan to Pud Lady's and which now dominates the Romney Marsh scene. This is it from the slope down from the land gate from Winchelsea, so still a good 5 miles off. More accurately it is the "Little Cheyne Court Wind Farm". Next up is Dad's 'brave soldier' wound. Quite impressive. Stitches come out tomorrow. 3rd is a nice shot of the H in the stream at the bottom of St Helen's Woods and, finally, our lovely Vendors in Ireland have sent us this nice shot of the house we are buying taken circa 1900.
Dad had been showing an obvious interest in the history of it and wondering whether the build date would turn out to be, by coincidence, the same as the SB Cambria, at 1906. It seems it might be even older. John the estate agent and one of the ladies we are buying from ("The Three Sisters") are going to try to find out exactly. We loved this picture, though, with its 2 pony and traps and their bowler hatted drivers and everyone dressed up to the nines, being seen off by the black-clad lady at the door (house keeper?).
Dad has had to finish off the Faversham Hort Soc accounts so that he could take them to the auditor. He is hoping to have them back by the time we move (we the dogs, that is; we are 'emigrating' on Monday night 7th/8th Nov) rather than have to sort out any issues at long range. Hallowe'en comes and goes this year without us but we hear from the Silverwoods that they all had a whale of a time. Their costumes looked superb in the Facebook photos and the pumpkin carving was genius.
We all got fed up in the end with the ever-more-leaky lilo airbed which has done several years of 2CV camps and does not owe us anything. It needed re-inflating every day and started to need a top up at 03:00 in the morning too. So we all high-tailed it to the superb camping and caravan shop at St John's Wood, near Battle for a new blow up mattress at £20. We are now sleeping in supreme comfort (at last! Should have done it weeks ago!) and not sinking into contact with the Marley Tiles in the middle of the night. Cold and hard!
Back to the caravan for the final weekend tomorrow.
1 comment:
Now that looks sore, I hope you are looking after your poorly dad. It's not long now and you will be over here, you will have to practice you Irish accent bark.
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