This long weekend is turning into one of those glorious holidays where you seem to have done so much and had so many days off already, but still you have plenty left and it's nowhere near the end. Perhaps it's because it all started way back last Thursday with the arrival of Mazy-Lou as house guest, 4 sleeps ago.
Turns out, by the way, that Mazy, daughter of vicar, grew up in a vicarage, loves a bit of 'church brass' to clean. The very best treat apparently, if the children were really good, was that they were allowed to Silvo an ancient and venerable, heirloom chalice and platter set which vicars of old would take round to houses of parishionners who were unable to attend church, in order to "do" (administer? celebrate?) communion in their homes. So there's nothing Mazy likes more than a bit of therapeutic Brasso-ing. Step forward, then, the Denis Memorial sundial currently languishing, tarnished and unloved on its Denis Memorial bay tree stump. Look at it now! Thanks Mazy!
Mustn't forget, in all the adventures of the weekend that Pud Lady's Birthday was 1st May (luckily we didn't forget! Dad made the phone call, chatted happily about gardens, comparing the progress of Spring in Hastings and in North Kent and making final prep for the imminent gathering of the clan in celebration of Pud Lady's big day. Happy Birthday, Pud Lady.)
Incidentally, Pud Lady gives us a westie calendar every year and we just want to draw attention to the rather superb photo now open for May 2011 - none of your cutesie, twee westiedom here. This is a low angle action shot of a chunky dog strutting across the field of view, seen from the "port-bow". It has all the masculinity and strength of a good 'heavy horse' shot, solid compact legs, head held high....... be still my beating heart.
So, the humans continue to enjoy their various adventures and we dogs are getting some good walks, nice and early in the morning. For some reason, Dad's been waking up at 06:30 ish, fresh as a daisy, quick cup of coffee, then out for 06:45 and back by about 8 before anyone else is up. Dad's had a couple of days painting down at Cambria, Mum and Mazy have been off shopping or exploring, either with Diamond and her two remaining guests (Kim and Joan) or on their own. They've done Whitstable, Canterbury, Faversham, taking in tapas lunches, the superb "Goods Shed" farm shop in Canterbury, Macknades, charity shops and so on. We've eaten well and drunk well (and sensible, this time - must be getting all mature and growed up!). We've lazed on the terrace reading the papers and got a fair mileage out of the Royal Wedding and newspaper write-ups there of.
It's been a blast. Now, as I write this, we are just back from this morning's rather blustery walk and chilling out on the sofa and waiting for the ladies to stir.
I am amazed at how much that came up, we should bring her on the boat with us, she would get all that brass work gleaming.
Years of practise, MrS.
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