Saturday, 7 April 2007

That Australia.. gotta be here somewhere

Fit and active types, that's what we are! Up early in the morning sunshine for a nice long walk, then with Mum and Dad around most of the day we're in and out of the garden. We're going to sleep well tonight. Dad was up the allotment first, planting peas and runners, sowing carrots, parsnips, salsify and chard, onions and leeks; then the pair of them were down here in the garden doing sweet peas etc. The pic is of me helping to re-empty a hole dug by Dad wheich he had carelessly refilled with soil. I am 6 inches deep at this stage and busted by camera. Looking for that Australia
We all adjourn indoors for the Boat Race which "we" won (so I'm told, by Dad, although there seems to be some debate on this from Mum, who favours the dark blues. She is of a literary bent and it seems PG Wodehouse went to Oxford, or so I understand it.).
My other pic is of Felix looking very handsome and "classic" in cat outline.
By the way, I am now trusted with the run of the house when humans are away, due to my (let's not tempt fate here) current low incidence of puddles in the hall and recent absence of Richard the Thirds indoors. They have even removed the bin-of-bricks that denied me access up the narrow passage to the cat flap to outdoors. This is good because it also means that the elderly Mississippi can come and go more freely, she being a dame in her Autumn Years and not happy to be leppin' over tall obstacles.
Have a Great Easter


Anonymous said...

Gah! Peter Wimsey went to Oxford. I have no idea where PGW went, nor Bertie for that matter. And Cambridge only won because they had (more) Furriners with suspiciously late degrees than Oxford.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.