Saturday, 4 August 2007

Dirty dancing

A long gap since we last posted. We have had company - a visit from the 16 year old niece from Swindon, up here for her birthday treat over the weekend. Not too much entertainment for dogs then , just "human stuff" that mainly involves us being given a treat and told to be "good dogs" as the humans depart.

Friday saw Mum, Diamond and Neice heading for the local shops, then Mum, Dad and Neice heading for London to see "Dirty Dancing". That was a late one. Luckily the Angel betty and Jim came round mid point to let us out - the dirty stop-outs were not back till 2 am! Some old excuse about the Aldwych being evacuated for a fire alarm, and engineering works on the railway this side of Sittingbourne

Beyond that there's been lots of sitting around on the terrace now that Summer is finally here, a bit of shopping in Canterbury, and a decent walk along Reculver. Neice doesn't really do dogs, but she copes and goes along with this family where dogs are probably centre of attention! I have failed so far to completely seduce her with my undeniable charm and cuteness. Puzzling......

Back to proper transmission soon. Neice's Dad is coming to collect her again lunchtime today. It's been a gas


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