Saturday, 4 August 2007

Metal Dog

Coo - twice in one day. trying to make up for the missing days no doubt. The Neice is now collected by her gang and we have the house back and the terrace to ourselves to chill out in.

My pic today is of a superb scrap metal dog who "lives" in the garden of my new chum Dylan, and his Dad the Guitar Man (Wham a lam a lam a lam a Rock and Roll is King!). His legs are made of bent copper pipe and his neck is a long twangy spring, so it nods gently in the breeze.

Had to laugh today. Megan, when relaxing on the terrace, before she rolls over on her side and falls asleep completely, sags down onto her belly with her back legs forward (unlike H and myself who stick our back legs out behind). Only Meggie, as she's got more ancient and venerable, and of rather more "solid" proportions (OK, some of it's to do with the Cushings), her belly is now a tad pear-shaped, so the legs, instead of sticking truly forwards, end up splayed around her belly, a bit like a frog.

Neice's Mum commented that she looked like a spatchcocked chicken. Dad was delighted, and thinks this description may well stick, and be added to the canon of dog positions.

For example

"Baby seal" - where the dog curls up one way but then lies their neck in the opposite direction, ending up looking like one of those baby fur seals about to be clubbed in the anti-cull posters

"Flat Dog" - where the dog is on the top step or landing with chin and both front paws at the edge, looking down at you.

"Hot Rocks" - the afore-mentionned hot day, after a run, collapse on some shady ground with front legs forward and back legs backwards, the better to cool those parts of the under-carriage that only Heiniken can reach.

Hot innit?

Have a great weekend


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