Sunday, 26 August 2007

Possession is Nine Tenths....

A dog needs a good bone to chew on every now and then, and one's nice clean bed is as good a place as any. If that stupid cat comes too near, he's gonna hear me growl at him (even though Dad says he'd be lucky to be able to lift the thing, never mind steal it.)

Actually this one is (was) Haggis's but he'd had all the good bits off it and couldn't be bothered with it any more and walked away. I had my own bit but... heh... you know the grass is always greener. And now it's in my Haggis-proof shelter. That's Meg out on the terrace with hers - she NEVER gets bored with them. A pup could grow old waiting for her to leave it alone.

They are, by the way, chunks of cow leg - you're looking at the shiny cartilege surfaces of the knee joints.

Another gorgeous hot day. We got our walk nice and early, before the sun got up. We met old John and his elderly collie-cross Maxie. "We" have known John since Dad has had dogs - it was John, in fact who was the first human outside family to make a fuss of Megs as a pup, on their first Rec walk at the age of 12 weeks or whatever. John is one of those blokes who always has a dog-treat in his pocket, so he became a firm favourite with Meggie

The Mum and Dad were off to the forest to help lead a guided Reptile Ramble, properly led by kent reptile expert Dr Lee Brady of Kent Reptile and Amphibian Group ( . We were left behind. Dad has this theory (can't think why) that inquisitive pups and warmed-up adders are probably not a good mixture. Dad says they saw adders (incuding some nice bright big males - bright because they had recently sloughed skin), lizards and slow worms

They came back via the Goods Shed Farmer's Market in Canterbury
for supplies of meat (and bones for us). Since then, Dad has been mowing at the allotment and picking raspberries, and we are all now chillin' on the terrace.

It's a good weekend

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just read through catching up on what you have been up to this week... CHICKENS....are they mad, do they not remember what they were like, and you better watch out, your nose could be a target too, on the plus side they could be fun to chase and amusing watching your mum and dad going down in the middle of the night to chase the foxes away with you, Meggie and H laughing your tails off protecting the front of the house, well have fun with the bones.