Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Up and Down like a Yo-Yo

Ha! Within seconds of writing yesterday that I couldn't do the top 3 stairs, there I was, like a natural! OK the top 3 are still a bit tentative and careful, but as I approach the bottom, I accelerate, finishing the last 2 in a majestic leap, usually straight into Haggis who has arrived, encouraged by Dad's encouraging cries of "Come on Deefs! One more! One more!, almost there!" etc, knowing I'll get a sweetie as a reward (and therefore by House-Rules, so will he).

House rules are "A Good Thing". Every time we come willingly in from the terrace we also get a sweetie. Haggis, I have noticed, pushes this to it's very limits. "I've been out and come back in" can sometimes be just a couple of steps out, and I've seen him try it on with just the back step, or even, the door opened and i LOOKED out - does that count? Sometimes even - "I watched Megan and the Pup go out.... does that...... No OK, I won't try that one on!



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