Friday, 22 June 2007

Peas and Raspberries

A fine thing. We're all back to normal, which for us means lots of sleeping during the day, till the Angel Betty comes round to let us out for a comfort break. And the humans are a bit jaded and tired, so we get a little walk, taking in the allotment, so Dad could harvest his (first ever) peas and some raspberries. An evening of TV - the humans are mad keen on the new series of "Rome", but we aren't choosy. It gives us all a chance to collapse on the sofa. Haggis is on the seat between Mum and Dad, I'm usually up on the top of the sofa-back, and Meggie can take it or leave it. Sometimes she'll join us, but as often as not she mooches off to one of the dog beds and sleeps there.

Have a great weekend

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