Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Fern and Meadow

Nice walk tonight, taking in Dad's allotment where we had a lovely romp around with Fern and Meadow. Fern is a Lakeland terrier but "red" rather than black and tan. She is actually Asbo's litter mate. Meadow is an older, wiser Jack Russell. Meeting Fern at first was like meeting Asbo - she charged me and bowled me over, so I did my drama queen "They're killing me!" squeal thing. Soon got used to her though - it's just like dealing with Asbo himself. Meadow, a tad less sociable, and got a bit of a grumbly curmudgeon on when made too much fuss of her Mum.

Great round the allowments, though, sniffing for rats in the compost heaps. Especially Fern - ladylike name? Not so ladylike the way she can scale huge high piles of um... compost (sniff) and emerge with a face lathered in um... compost.

Somebody's gonna get a ba-a-ath !!!


Baby-canine count 2 (upper)
New fang count zero


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