Saturday, 3 February 2007

Losing my baby-teeth

4 and a half months old now, and time to shed a few baby teeth. Most of my front incisors and my lower left canine have parted company, and new incisors are coming through. So I'm driven crazy by the teething itches and aches, and chewing furiously on anything that comes to hand (or mouth). Latest victim is a blue frisbee that came free with my "coming home bag", when Mum and Dad collected us from our pup home.... or was it from the pet insurance when we signed up. Can't recall

A heavy frost over night so the grass on the Rec is white and crispy. All the better to make snow-angels in by rolling on your back.

It has been noticed that I have not poo'd indoors lately - not in the last fortnight anyway - but no-one is saying anything in case they tempt fate. As to wee-ing, I mostly remember to do that outside, but there are still the odd indoor ones, which I mainly remember to do on the newspaper left by the "stable door" for that purpose. I have wee'd on some interesting people and news stories in the past, and Mum and Dad quite often laugh at my choices.

Princess Diana was down there for ages (full page spread in one of the weekend papers - there was some kind of inquiry going on) and I refused to wee on her. George Bush, Blair, John Ried, no problem. Gallons of wee. In one story recently about the "Sego-Sarko" race for the French Presidency. I wee'd mightily on Nicolas Sarkozy and avoided Segolene Royal completely. Mum calls that a vote for French Chic, and says I have great taste. Scare bleu! Leesten vairy carefully. I will say zees only once....

We had Diamond, and her man and step-Dad round this afternoon for a late lunch and they brought Asbo with them. Bit of a shock - and I squeaked loudly at being charged down in my own territory. We soon got used to each other, mind, and I guess he's welcome really.

Another frosty night tonight


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