Sunday, 25 February 2007

Wet through again

Off to reculver this morning, but the forecast had said showers with sunshine, and all we got was 10/10 cloud and cold February rain. We arrived, paid for our car parking, then sat listening to the rain drumming off the car roof, swooshing the wind screen clear every now and then with the wipers, looking out to sea, like proper British tourists, and waiting for the rain to stop.
It eased, we walked, and then it returned in earnest and we got thoroughly soaked. Dad texted back to Mum to have warm dog-towels ready (again), for when we arived with warm bread and croissants from the farm shop
I met two lovely children today, James and Eve, grand children of the neighbours. They both wanted to make a fuss of us, pick us up and stroke us. Eve, though, did not believe that I do this blog - she thinks someone else types it in for me. Dog's can't type, she says. That's her purple skirt and pink fleece I'm sitting on in the first picture. The other is of a very typical Megan pose - looking out of the door. She likes to have her bum in the warm and her nose in the cold. That's till she get's shouted at by either Mum or Dad "Come on Meggie - make your mind up! Either in or out!"
See you again soon, Eve and James

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