Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Erroll minus 1

How bizarre is this behaviour from the Hoppers camp last weekend? They barbecued a Ukulele. I have to stress that this is not some expensive rare, hand made musical instrument, not the Stradivarius of Ukes. These guys have got into Uke playing over the last few camps/years and are now getting quite good at it, as well as moving upwards from the cheap instruments they bought to try it out, up to some sensible quality equipment capable of producing a good toon.

The guy pictured here just right of centre is also a brilliant engineer and craftsman and has made several of his own ukes with designs inspired by the bonnet of the Citroen H-Van, or built around cigar boxes etc. This sacrificial uke was one of the first £3 Chinese made cheapo ones they owned and had long since become disgusted by as an instrument incapable of producing any music so, feeling a bit silly half way through the camp's communal barbecue, and almost for a bet, they decided to see how long the poor old thing took to burn on the barbecue.

Oh - by the way, the enormous bulbous guitar-ish weapon being twanged by the guy on the left is a Mexican "Guitaron".

Dad is now looking at his last day at the old place before Erroll cuts in for real and has been trying to cram as much info as possible into the new bloke against a viciously short deadline. Tomorrow he's in early to bid adieu to his old mates on the night shift and then to do the last day before clocking out for the last time. He's feeling very weird and disconnected. It has not really hit home yet.



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