Wednesday, 30 April 2008

I heard a Rumour

Heavy rain precludes any walks tonight but we have it on good authority that Dad has tomorrow off work and may take us for a Bluebell Walk in Challock Forest. No Friends of Kingswood "members of the public" to shepherd about this time, so he can give us his undivided and we will therefore be going with Meggie (I'm almost 12 you know), and I guess a camera. Let's pray for sunshine!

Meanwhile, Dad's chum from work, Shirley, is all excited to be moving house soon but when she describes it you'd think that the new house is just an accessory to the fact that once she's in there and set up she can get the NEW PUPPY! She was the owner of the westie Penny mentioned in earlier posts, and is now looking to get back into pup-ownership. Dad keeps threatening to descend upon her with we three (the old house, not the new!) dogs but she is beating us off with a sharp stick at the monent saying "Mmmmm.... maybe we'll come to you???"

Scared-y cat!


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